2025 Dates

Parent/Guardian must attend a brief orientation meeting on Monday morning of the scheduled session at 8:30 a.m.

5465 Queen Ann Ln, Santa Barbara, CA 93111

Mountain View School

Session 1:  June 16 20

Session 2:  June 23 - 27 

385 San Ysidro Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93108

Montecito Union School

Session 1:  June 16 - 20

Session 2:  June 23 - 27

6875 El Colegio Rd, Goleta, CA 93117

Isla Vista School

Session 1:  July 7 - 11 

Session 2:  July 14 - 18

COVID-19 Safeguards:

  • Monitor the daily health of your family and child to ensure everyone’s well-being.

  • If your child has allergies, ensure that your child takes the necessary allergy medication. Children who are coughing or sneezing repeatedly will be sent home.

  • If a child becomes sick while at Safety Town,the child will be moved to an outdoor isolation area, and we will call the parent/guardian for immediate pick up.

Camp Cleaning Protocols:

  • Frequent hand washing/sanitizing.

  • Disinfecting tables at start and end of each day.

  • Classroom doors/windows to the outside will be left open to ensure air circulation. Each classroom has an air sanitizing machine operating during camp.

Protocols will be updated as needed to follow all CDC and Santa Barbara County Public Health's requirements.

Program Details

Safety Town introduces pre- and post-kindergarten children to a wide variety of personal and public safety topics, including: vehicle safety belts, bus riding, bicycle and pedestrian rules of the road, playground and water safety, domestic violence, verbal and sexual child abuse, and gun and fire hazards. The children learn how to dial 9-1-1 for emergency help and memorize their home address and an important family phone number. The five-day, 17.5-hour program is offered each summer at various elementary school-based locations.

At Safety Town, the serious subject of safety is combined with arts and craft activities and songs to reinforce learning, making the experience lots of fun! Community safety professionals, including police officers, firefighters, and forest rangers, visit Safety Town to present safety lessons. Safety Town professionals continue to modify and enhance the curriculum to keep it relevant and follow the current best practices.

Safety Town's lead instructors are certificated teachers from local elementary schools. Two teen counselors-in-training are assigned to a group of four children. All teen counselors are students from local high schools, providing over 6,000 hours of volunteer community service per year.


All children entering kindergarten or first grade in the fall of 2025 and who will be five years old by September 1, 2025.

Program Fee

$200 fee per five-day session. Fee includes a mid-morning snack and a Safety Town T-shirt to be worn daily.

Additional fees:

$25 transfer fee to change session date or location. One transfer allowed.

$25 fee for every 15 minutes late picking up your child (daily sessions end at noon).


There are four adult staff on site along with volunteer teen CITs (counselors-in-training). The average ratio is one CIT to every two to three children.

Special Needs

Children who require a 1:1 (one-on-one) aide currently, or who need extra support, are also required to have an adult aide during the program, to be provided by the parent/guardian. Transitioning from one activity to another occurs about 8-10 times daily within the 3 ½ hour day. Please consider if these transitions would affect your child in a positive manner.


A limited number of scholarships may be available for those who qualify for financial support. If approved for a scholarship, a $25 Family Scholarship Co-pay is requested to confirm registration. To request a scholarship application, prior to applying online, please email Anne@sbsafetytown.org.

Camper Expectations

  1. Respect yourself, other campers, staff, volunteers, and visitors

  2. Respect supplies, equipment, and environment

  3. Respect everyone’s personal space by keeping hands, bodies to self

  4. Follow rules and listen to staff and volunteers to ensure safety

  5. Stay with assigned volunteer

  6. Clean up after yourself

  7. Be honest. Take responsibility for your actions

  8. Teasing, bullying, and/or physical aggression will not be tolerated

  9. Camper must be signed out by parent/guardian to leave program each day

Behavior Policy

1. Staff or volunteer will redirect student to activity and/or describe desired behavior.

2. Staff will address behavior with camper and others involved.

3. After an incident, staff will lead students through one or more of the following restorative practices. Students will:

a. Be reminded of program expectations

b. Be given an opportunity to explain their behavior and to demonstrate they understand why it was against the expectations

c. Be given an opportunity to apologize to harmed students

d. Be given the opportunity to make positive changes in behavior

4. Parents will be notified if inappropriate behavior continues

5. Safety Town of Santa Barbara County and staff reserve the right to make appropriate adjustments and/or dismiss any student for behavior that poses a safety risk to themselves and/or others.

Parent at El Camino School

"I appreciate having so many important safety topics covered in a non-threatening and age-appropriate way. It opened doors for good conversation at home and gave my child some practical tools for facing some of his fears-(like fire)."

Parent at Foothill School

"We appreciated the impressive variety of safety topics, handouts that inspired us as a family to discuss the topics, and the interactivity of the program. A truly remarkable program that he loved." 

Safety Town of Santa Barbara County is a 501(c)(3) independent nonprofit educational organization.

Our federal tax I.D. number: 77-0050993