CIT Volunteer Testing:

- Please use your REAL first name for the volunteer.

- Phone numbers/address may be fake. I.e. 999-999-9999 or 123 Safety Street

- Please test the system "to its limits."

  • Add an emergency contact.

  • Choose an allergy/medication/Epi-Pen 

- Confirmation emails x 4

The Student Testing Process Has Not Begun. Thank-You

Student Testing Info:

- Please use your REAL first name for parent and child. Last name may be fake for parent and child.

- Phone numbers may be fake 999-999-9999 or any number combination.

                   Anne - Scholarship code:    

- If you speak Spanish, please click Spanish for Primary Language at home.

- Please test the system "to its limits." Choose an allergy/medication/Epi-Pen, add alternative pick-up person, etc.

- DO NOT ACCEPT REGISTRATION PROTECTION, during Checkout (above credit card request)

Use a fake credit card to test registration system below:

- Visa: 4111 1111 1111 1111
- Mastercard: 5454 5454 5454 5454
- Visa Debit: 4462 0300 0000 0000

You must include a valid zip code, any expiration date (any date going 7 years in the future), and any 3 digits for the CVV code for Discover, Visa, and Mastercard.

- Confirmation emails may state "Sandbox"